Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The formal definition of neosocialism from the 1930s has some rather unsavory pieces.  However, we're in 2016.  If people can redefine things, I figure I can to.

Neo meaning new.

Socialist meaning socialist.

I've noticed this new trend of socialists.  They were brought up in a capitalist economy and want it to change.  these people seem to think that things and times are horrible.  If you listened to them and Bernie Sanders, you'd think we were living under the thumb of bankster gangsters.  Puhlease.  These people need a reality check.  In a capitalistic economy, if you come up with a better idea, you have the opportunity to grow, start a business, and change your situation dramatically.  Anyway, these people that grew in capitalism and now think that socialism would be so cool, I refer to them as neosocialists.

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