Tuesday, January 29, 2013

MonoTouch: iOS 6 Introduction, Social Media & Maps - Online Training with LearnNowOnline

One of my training courses has just been published by LearnNowOnline. I hope you find it helpful as you take up iOS 6 Development with MonoTouch. Here is some info about it below. Link: http://www.learnnowonline.com/learnmobilenow/topic/296
Course Description: This course takes a look at the iOS6 operating system and creating applications with MonoTouch. The course will start with an introduction to iOS 6 how it has grown, software support, how to support the older iOS systems plus other items. Next the course will dive into social web sites like Twitter and Facebook and incorporating updates into an application. Then the course will look into existing mapsand the new maps API. 
Overview of iOS6
  • Agenda
  • New Features
  • Development Requirements
  • iOS6 Growth
  • Software Support
  • How to Support Older iOS
  • Using the Older iOS/Xcode SDK
  • Display
  • iPhone Startup Images
  • Retina Images
  • Other Images
  • Screen Dimensions
  • Demo: Images
  • Demo: Selecting Images
Introduction Continued
  • ViewWillUnload, ViewDidUnload
  • DidReceiveMemoryWarning
  • ViewWillDisappear
  • Interface Orientation
  • UI Navigation Bar
  • Demo: Memory Warning
  • Demo: Orientation Changes
  • Demo: UINavigationBar
Social Improvements
Social Twitter
  • Demo: iPhone Twitter App
  • Demo: Twitter App Code
  • Social Improvements
  • Social Networks
  • Twitter Account Setup
  • Sending Tweets
  • Completion Handler
  • Calling Twitter API
  • Demo: Calling Twitter API
Social Facebook
  • Facebook
  • Post to Facebook
  • Completion Handler
  • The Facebook Graph
  • Demo: Facebook Code
  • Demo: Facebook Graph
Existing Maps
  • Apple Maps
  • Map Initialization
  • Other Methods and Objects
  • Annotations
  • Overlays
  • Demo: New Apple Maps
  • Demo: Map-Kit Maps
New Maps API
  • New Features
  • MKLaunchOptions
  • Demo: Apple Maps

iOS6 Introduction with MonoTouch Webinar Recording

This is a recording of my iOS6 with MonoTouch Webinar: http://media.appdev.com/EDGE/LL/livelearn01242013.wmv (I think this only loads in IE)
iOS6 is the latest version of the iOS operating system for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. With this new version of iOS comes the iPhone 5. In this Live Learning, we’ll discuss how to support the new iPhone 5’s display, support for social networks in iOS, and the new pull to refresh functionality in iOS6.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

iOS6 with .NET, C#, & MonoTouch Seminar

I'll be doing an iOS6 with MonoTouch Seminar on Wednesday at 12 pm EST.  A little about the event:
iOS6 is the latest version of the iOS operating system for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. With this new version of iOS comes the iPhone 5. In this Live Learning, we’ll discuss how to support the new iPhone 5’s display, support for social networks in iOS, and the new pull to refresh functionality in iOS6.
Registration: https://www302.livemeeting.com/lrs/8001676474/Registration.aspx?pageName=fxnc6h27pbdjspp6

Monday, January 21, 2013

jQuery Mobile Advanced - More jQuery Mobile and jQuery Mobile Themes

The second two of my three article series on jQuery Mobile have been posted to the MSDN Magazine Script Junkie Site.  I hope that they are helpful to you. 
Article 2: More jQuery Mobile 
There’s no doubt that mobile Web applications are here to stay. As I said at the start of the previous article in this series, talk to any C-level executive at a major company or any technology startup, and they’ll tell you about mobile apps.
Article 3: jQuery Mobile ThemesThe first article (Introduction to jQuery Mobile) in this series looked at the subject of themes at a high level and at themes available in jQuery Mobile (jQM). In this, the third of three articles on jQM, I show how to build a custom theme using the Theme Roller, as well as look at some custom themes that allow a mobile Web application to look more like an iPhone, Android or Windows Phone application.

Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm on the Tablet Show to talk MonoTouch and Mono for Android

Carl and Richard talk to Wally McClure about building mobile applications for iPhone and Android using MonoTouch and Mono for Android (respectively). The conversation starts out with Wally's original interest in the Mono tools, being able to leverage his code and skills in C# for mobile development. From there Wally drills into the challenges of tooling across platforms (testing frameworks, etc) as well as dealing with fragmentation of operating systems and SDKs - a bigger issue in Android than iOS, but still an issue.
Link: http://www.thetabletshow.com/default.aspx?showNum=67

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Beating the Android Fragmentation Monster with .NET, C#, and Mono for Android - Article

Much has been made about fragmentation of the Android platform. The truth is that the Android platform is not as fragmented as developers think. Google provides a set of libraries that allow older versions of Android to get support for newer APIs. In this article, I'll create a version of the Star Trek navigation application (from my previous column) that runs on Android 2.x to 4.x for handsets and tablets.
The Android Support Package is a set of static libraries with additional APIs that can be used by an application. These libraries back port some newer APIs to older versions of Android. At the current time, there are two versions of the Support Package.
The v4 Support Package is designed to bring Fragment and other support to Android 1.6 (API Level 4) and later. If a program needs to use some new features and run on Android 2.2, this is the library that it needs to use. Our sample application will use the v4 Support Package.
The v13 Support Package is similar in concept to the v4 Support Package. This package requires Android 3.2 (API Level 13) or later. It has some underlying implementation changes.
I hope you enjoy the article.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Learn Cross Platform Development for iPhone, iPad, and Android with LearnNowOnline, MonoTouch, and Mono for Android using .NET/C#

I would like to highly encourage you to learn Cross Platform Development for iPhone, iPad, and Android with LearnNowOnline, MonoTouch, and Mono for Android using .NET/C#. By taking your existing knowledge, you can build applications that are best of breed and share code between them across the the iPhone, iPad, and Android platforms. Some of the courses include:
I would not have done these videos if there was not tremendous value in the Xamarin technologies or their direction. I hope that they provide you value as you take up the iPhone, iPad, and Android.