My article on HTML5 and some things that you can use today has gone online at the Dev Pro Connections web site. Here's a snippet of it:
HTML5 is the direction for web-based applications. All you have to do is listen to the material from any technical conference or keep an eye on web developer online community discussions to know that HTML5 is important. Each day, I read about new and exciting HTML5 features and uses for those features -- witness the many new features in the latest versions of Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, and Firefox.
Mobile application development is definitely where HTML5 has gotten its start, but HTML5 is not limited to mobile. Here, I will build on the information in "HTML5 for the ASP.NET Developer" along with many other great articles on HTML5 published in DevProConnections and delve into some of the HTML5 features that are available today and that you can use immediately to provide solutions for your customers now. In this article, we'll see what can be done in ASP.NET running in a modern web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and the recently released IE10. (As an FYI, in December 2011 Chrome 15 was named the most popular web browser version by StatCounter, though Internet Explorer is the most popular browser family.)
I want to thank several people for helping me with this article. Honestly, there are several. I ran across a blog post by Lars Jarlvik last summer that I used as the roadmap for some work and this article as well. I emailed with Lars about starting with his blog post and he was on board with this. Many thanks to Lars. Other folks that should be mentioned are my friends Dave Ward and Spike Xavier. Both have been really helpful. I have learned from them and grown professionally by associating with them. I am forever in their debt.
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