Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cross Platform Mobile With C# WhitePaper presented by Visual Studio Magazine

My white paper on Visual Studio Magazine is now available.  This whitepaper will discuss the details for developing cross platform applications with C#.
 "As a Microsoft-centric developer, you have great tools in the Microsoft .NET Framework and C# Language, but you're faced with a challenge when it comes to building apps for the exploding world of mobile devices: Learning new languages and platforms can be incredibly time-consuming.  Wouldn't it be better to use the skills you already posses?  In this paper, you'll learn how to use the interoperable technologies of Xamarin to do just that.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Be More Social: oAuth, Facebook and Xamarin

It isn't breaking news that social networks are a big deal to your users. But what's the best way to add that functionality in the cross-platform development world? One of the best ways is through Xamarin, which provides a set of components that allows developers to concentrate on high-level programming and solving user problems. This article will look at some technologies available in Android -- as well as the iPhone -- to add social features to applications. It serves as a companion to my April article that covered oAuth, Twitter and the Linq to Twitter library.