Course Description: So what is a PassKit, this course will introduce you to the PassKit , the types there are, the file structure, security and other items. Next you‘ll be shown how to create a PassKit manually with such things as provisioning, KeyChain access and other items. Then you will learn about coding for a Pass, including complain applications, classes, list of passes to name a few items that will be covered. Next you will learn about reminders and events. You’ll see the EventStore, Enumerate Calendars, create an event, and create a reminder, running a query plus more.
1+ hours of media runtime
PassKit Intro
- PassKit Agenda
- What is PassKit
- PassKit Ecosystem
- What is a Pass
- Types of Passes
- File Structure
- Pass.json File
- Barcodes
- Relevancy
- Localization
- Security
- Passbook
- Getting Passes into Passbook
Manually Create a PassKit
- Create a Pass Manually
- Provisioning
- Created
- Certificate Signing Request
- KeyChain Access
- Certificate Request
- Pass Certificate Created
- Download
- Build the Signpass Utility
- Must Update
- Run the Signpass Utility
- Manifest.json Output
- End Result
- Resources
- Companion Applications
- Passes and MonoDevelop
- Classes
- Check Passbook Availability
- Pass Library Instance
- List of Passes
- Displaying a Pass
- Loading a Pass From a File
- Replace an Existing Pass
- Editing a Pass
- Receiving Change Notifications
- Resource
- Demo: Passes
- Demo: Pass Code
Reminders and EventKit
- Agenda
- EventStore
- Accessibility
- Requesting Access
- Objects
- Enumerate Calendars
- Add or Modify an Event
- Create an Event
- Create a Reminder
- Retrieve an Event
- Retrieve a Reminder
- Deleting an Event
- Search for Events
- Search for Reminders
- Demo: EventKit
- Demo: Reminders
- Demo: Running a Query
- Resources